Saturday, June 7, 2008

Brain Skin Connection, Very Technical Article

Why emotional/physical stress leads to inflammatory skin diseases...

I'm starting to think that stress predisposes a person to hypersensitivity to foods and such. There are too many people who can eat shit and still be clear, and I don't think its purely genetic. Stress wreaks havoc to and distracts the immune system, possibly making us less able to deal with certain foods.

This study showed how you could induce hair growth inhibition in mice by providing them with stressors. We know that hairloss is very possibly related to acne...
Also, stress leads to the production of cytokines and inflammatory mediators....

This article was supplied by Dr. Lin, the crazy orgasm doctor who says acne is caused by excessive sex (a stressor) for some people. A point which I agree completely with.

By john1234

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great article! skin is affected by a lot of factors, even lifestyle plays a huge role.